Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Orajel On Penis Works

Nuestromundo L.



is a good blog, follow him!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yankee Tart In Scentsy Warmer


Your body penetrate your body penetrated
Flesh Between
I sink your tongue and your eyes pure

First with my eyes With my heart in my lips
Then with my loneliness
With my bones with my glans
Enter and Leave of
your body Like a mirror I cross hairs and moans

I do not know what your skin and what's mine
What my skeleton and what yours
Your blood in my arteries
shines Like a star
My arms and your arms are the arms of a star
and full of tenderness we
We are an animal who falls
Ash Half half beat
A handful of earth that breathes
Of incandescent materials
panting and enjoying
And never rest


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Butterfly Tattoos With Sayings

January-April - 2011


monologue of a backyard


error sacred





Heat Retaining Thermos

About abstract painting

abstract concept days today is something very relative. I see a picture of any of the different styles and trends do not figurative then imagine the history of man spirit twentieth century to the present day . The mind of modern man does not merely represent those calls abstract images naturally, not abstract. Therefore would not be valid to think that not abstracted figurative painters to do their work. DalĂ­ insisted that the history of modern art, was nothing more than the product of formal errors. Many even claim that abstract art is just a decorative art. But if you do not have the sensitivity to understand, internalize feel or can not be reduced to mere decoration rather than accept your inability to understand (most beautiful decorations I've seen many pictures). It is very clear to me that a painter must master figurative drawing and then to make abstract works, but where the hell do you abstract? ...

poetry written on

"Impossible to define directly the poetry, in my opinion , the only that could do is to fence of questions to define from what is not, from the shape or form to be specific. Bring to light something that is but can not be seen or felt by all.
"The poetry responds to a question in advance, invisible, there has always been , and without anyone to answer that question.
- Poems should not be read aloud. Should be read in the brain, the heart and spirit. Now tell me the first poets were troubadours, but sang their creations because they had other form of dissemination, not because it is the best way to do it. Vallejo imagine reading aloud trrrraaaaappchhhhheeeiizzz ....( or so) of the poem that T RILCA , unless he had been drunk and embarrass the bourgeois , would tragic.

About the artist's attitude
- You have to stay out of the cultural life of the time or at least try, you always have to be a step above or below. We must reject brick by brick breaking up the fallacies of the established order by the activist stance of doing nothing, if anyone. There is no greater success than failure, when failure is not giving his arm twisted into a social obligation to be somebody, to play a role in this play called ridiculous story of humanity.
- Such was his intention to go through life on tiptoes, to be invisible, which some thought was not, that they invented it, because knowing was to acquire a kind of schizophrenia .
-q has more dignity consider someone who wants to be one, as someone who wants to be considered since no one, however anyone who wants to know someone, I would more beyond, would be nothing, have no was similar to anti-suicide to which Artaud concerned.
- I do not forward or backward, I go up or down.